e a r t S o n s & H e a r t
D a u g h t e r s
of A l l e n G i n s b e r g
a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 :
A r c h i v e s E d i t i
o n
a hunchbacked
a nation with a hunchback
getting bigger every four years
uses it as a benefit
there's wheelchairs for everyone
and a specially reserved
parking place
near the front door of
a pharmacy where it cops
all the medicine imaginable
curing pain and
keeping you functional is
important for a peon
everything else depends
on how the budget's used
and that's always in flux
a doctor who
by popular opinion is mad
dissected departed hunchbacks
and discovered the hump to be
makeshift trash dumps full
of odd things
they were littered with
computers empty pill jars
used syringes
automatic rifles sheriff's'
a baby's booties credit cards
cash registers
promissory notes bad novels
westerns starring
John Wayne
speeches by George Bush
second mortgages and
eviction notices
despite our efforts
to stop this horrific
more people with
hunchbacks appear each
and every year
no cure has been found
and some think
there is none
believing their fate
one of power and affluence
is the same as Quasimodo's
who as Hugo tells us
was employed ringing a bell
at a cathedral in Paris
published in NHS 2004, http://www.poetspath.com/napalm/nhs04/Michael_Pingarron.html.]