e a r t S o n s & H e a r t D a u g h t e r s of A l l e n G i n s
b e r g
a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 : A r c h i
v e s E d i t i o n
during the passage of a day
up in the morning
I dress drink my coffee
and depart
I buy a ticket
on an airplane
I travel travel travel
farther than
my father
fire rises throughout this land
and consume me
I leave with my ashes
scattered on the wind of
its breath
as hot as an insomniac computer
the world flames up as its heart beats
I burn I learn
many hidden secrets few
believe are true
their darkness
like a precious stone
locked safely in a
I'm told not to care
by a floppy disked god
made in my image and likeness
who protects me from myself
and from gangs of komodo dragons
holed up in Baghdad
I'm urged to hate those
who don't understand
our mythic slogan lingo
of loss and sacrifice
locked in the
carried under guard
and labeled
top secret
there's still hope
we'll win the
by selling millions as slaves
in the promised land
of despair
we caw like crows for salvation
dead bodies hung
like scarecrows
complaining about comfort
on death rows full
of famished hyenas
who laugh as they rip
every sacred morsel
of mystery
from our dreams
I know it's hopeless as
I hear nationalist hymns
and anthems
crooning about freedom
to save us from its wicked curse
making me shake my
hoping to scatter
fear and hate
published in NHS 2004, http://www.poetspath.com/napalm/nhs04/Michael_Pingarron.html.]