e a r t S o n s & H e a r t D a u g h t e r s of A l l e n G i n s
b e r g
a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 : A r c h i
v e s E d i t i o n
The monk couldn’t believe his ears
when he heard a girlcomecry.
The nun couldn’t believe her eyes
the first time she
saw a youth ejaculate.
The priest couldn’t believe his nose
when he smelled the
altar-boy’s rear-end.
The youngman couldn’t
believe his tongue
boycome tasted so
The youngwoman couldn’t
believe her clit
cunnilingus could feel so
The college boy couldn’t believe his cock
fellatio felt better
than fucking.
The college girl couldn’t believe her tits
just having her
nipples licked and sucked
could make her come
Young pigs couldn’t believe their balls
a quart of come
spurted out when they ejaculated.
Young elephants couldn’t believe their balls
a gallon of
sperm splurted out when they ejaculated.
The minister couldn’t believe his gluteus maximus
could feel so spiritual.
The butt couldn’t believe its turds
that they had
and shat flowers.
The skeleton couldn’t believe its bones
there was a being
outside it attached to it called a person.
The rabbi couldn’t believe his Talmud
a girl’s naked
armpits proved the existence of
God more than all theologians put
The atheist couldn’t believe his disbelief
when he realized
after death
he was immortal.
The Pope couldn’t believe his infallibility
that after he died
God and Christ didn’t exist
but immortality
Christians couldn’t believe their Bibles
Jesus was a
psychedelic mushroom.
Muslims couldn’t believe their Korans
Muhammad was a psychedelic mushroom.
Buddhists couldn’t believe their sitting
no Bo Tree had to
sit under a Buddha to be enlightened.
The Earth couldn’t believe its Universe
that Love existed
before all
Religions, Bibles, Gods, Saviors put
on zillions of
planets before this one.
The atoms in a three-pound human brain
couldn’t believe their
electrons and nuclei
that if the empty
space between them were removed
the human brain
that remained
would be lighter
than a feather.
The most prestigious poetry magazines in our
Solar System
couldn’t believe their
editorial professionalism
Death accepts every corpse submitted to
Death rejects no one’s corpse acknowledges every
sends no one’s
corpse back as unpublishable
saying it doesn’t fit
our present needs
good luck placing
it elsewhere.
Death not only publishes every corpse
but also publishes
it in translation.
For Death every corpse is like
winning the Lottery,
For Death every corpse
is a Thanksgiving
Meanwhile Spring doesn’t need to believe
to return every
year after year
And the sky in the eye of a child
is blue beyond belief.
published in NHS 2006, http://www.poetspath.com/napalm/nhs06/Antler.htm.]