e a r t S o n s & H e a r t D a u g h t e r s of A l l e n G i n s
b e r g
a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 : A r c h i
v e s E d i t i o n
Your Last Book, Fame & Death
Into the chophouse incinerator we go,
It's a Wednesday night
in a week of rain
I've just come from the hospital
where I had the
greatest rest
in years-a real
frequent naps and three
squares a day
I'm back with the same
medicine as you for the
failing heart
and watch through
your eyes unflinching
the round of events
your last days, Fame & Death-
reality jostled by the
finite witness, the bundle of
synapses, the no more
with this ego
come what may.
To circle and circle your head in the
with my fingers,
like rubbing your stomach
in the old days,
not entirely
Old lover, you said as you signed my
I might say, lover, teacher, friend,
and look toward my
own gaze through the fabric
at what was real,
what is not, the who I ams
that might not
climb again, best the uphill
slope, or swallow
without hesitation
the final nothing
at the top.
The body slides back,
a memory in the
egg of the void;
to be quit of all
in the medicines
of the need for constancy,
a mothering of
the heart-I turn to your last
your dream with
Peter, your vision
of historic
funeral with the lovers talking,
The starry nursery rhymes of a bright old
How dapper you look in those clothes-
the shirt from
Goodwill, the cashmere scarf:
a well dressed
I love these last words,
this last time with
you unencumbered
by futures, a
last little human time.
Willow, NY, June 2006
published in NHS 2008, http://www.poetspath.com/napalm/nhs08/Janine_Pommy_Vega.htm.]