H e a r t   S o n s   &   H e a r t   D a u g h t e r s   of   A l l e n   G i n s b e r g

N a p a l m   H e a l t h   S p a :   R e p o r t   2 0 1 4 :   A r c h i v e s   E d i t i o n







––by Miguel Angel Flores


I would have to learn to return

with a cut flower in a dream

to pull the immortal awakening

from the immortal infancy

to look at the place of nothingness

till I see a flower

and place three in this vase

next to the red one and close to this table

a branch in which all of the joined remain separate

one to one in a tangible manner

But I only know what to do with all of them

the branch is hidden inside a flower

and only one: the flower in which they all disappear

The flower in which your disappearances appear



[From Contrasuberna. (Against the Tide). Mexico City: Mortiz. 1981. Translated by Ron Rodriguez, 2009. Originally published in NHS 2010, http://www.poetspath.com/napalm/nhs10/index.html.]