H e a r t   S o n s   &   H e a r t   D a u g h t e r s   of   A l l e n   G i n s b e r g

N a p a l m   H e a l t h   S p a :   R e p o r t   2 0 1 4 :   A r c h i v e s   E d i t i o n






Blue-Haired Junkie Boy


The junkie leaves

the hospital with

a nod, so gentle

in his speech

to friend, this

same blue-haired kid

earlier harsh-tongued, angry

without his

medicine, but still

creepy ectoplasm, his grey

ghost floating past

as I return home from work to my

wife who’s sober

3 months, up

from San Diego

rehab on medical

appointment, healthy

looking, much

stronger, the

first hope I’ve







[Originally published in NHS 2006, http://www.poetspath.com/napalm/nhs06/MOlmsted.htm.]