e a r t S o n s & H e a r t D a u g h t e r s of A l l e n G i n s
b e r g
a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 :
A r c h i v e s E d i t i
o n
His Watch
Dedicated to
Richard Wilmarth
And what we see is not our own existence, but
earth rotating beneath us.
Visible and expressible shift massless mind line and rotational air fall
displacement forms relief spacializes river
crossing light
outside of doubtful
frontiers and
chain serpent of
philosophies this
acceleration is a parabolic flash-field
And in every foot-fall
nothing changes — this becomes this again.
Collision course with a sycamore tree and a cup
of green tea
near the Trident coffee house.
Sweep down workless blue.
Divide moments of unmeasured monotony and know
that time
is a serpent: a strange element stuck in
hermetic magic.
We come out of light and return to light,
with some tiny bit of experience meshed in
at some point there is no movement. At some
point, time stops.
Break down and reflect, receptive moon rule.
Grains link nights and our sleep becomes a
protection from life's nightmares.
Snow meals. Tooth meals and the evening room
For good luck, a candle's flame floats in a
window nearby and
a bed's white sheet covers a ragged
The transparency of the void to come
is a party
held under a blue
tent of sky.
When we fade, we wonder what our thoughts
been . . .
but what happens,
is that we give them to someone else.
Sometimes our minds begin to sound
like a piece of cracked porcelain
when tapped by a fingertip.
At others,
as ideas float
a sequence of events,
only possible in eternity.
published in NHS 2003, http://www.poetspath.com/napalm/nhs03/kite.html.]