e a r t S o n s & H e a r t D a u g h t e r s of A l l e n G i n s
b e r g
a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 :
A r c h i v e s E d i t i
o n
My Two Senses
NY's mayor pulls the
museum's money because he doesn't like Brooklyn's
artistic taste.
The governor pulls the
city's money because he doesn't like its lack
two-car garages.
The president pulls the
state's money because he doesn't like
conservative Republicans or liberal Democrats.
The sun doesn't like
lying politicians so it's taking back the earth.
The universe doesn't like
fossil fuels burning so it's putting out the sun.
The universe is a big
crybaby—I'm pulling its funding tomorrow
start a new one—
published in NHS 2000, http://www.poetspath.com/napalm/nhs00/katz.html.]