e a r t S o n s & H e a r t
D a u g h t e r s of
A l l e n G i n s b e r g
a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R
e p o r t 2 0 1 4 : A r c h i v e s E d i t i o n
(What is poetry, if not that feel)
What is poetry,
if not that feel
in the gut-pit,
under October full-moon
Sentimentalis, sorrowed
in ‘membrance
times together w/ kindred
brothers &
sisters blood ran red wine
celebrating hard
in the face of underlying
of goodbye, we’d be off
to our separate
visions of success, what dreamed of
cities, what San
Franciscos New Yorks
but the San Fran
renaissance long-gone, New York
School all junk
crack & H.I.V.
& all the
geographical cures never worked
cuz wherever we
went we took our selves
t’was journey itself
we sought, so of course
we never
arrived. . .
& tonight,
yes, my glass is filled
w/ the
blood-red, my liver runneth over––
time, the
journeying gets to be
too much, only
arrival I know
these few hr.s
typewrit tryna atone
for a life
that’s always come sadly 2nd
to words, cuz
i’ve been a decent poet
& a damnable
rotten human being,
praps if I work
at it I might end up
great poet &
decent human being
but always in
that order. . .
Cuz i’ve not
always been so lovely to lovers
nor my actions
friendly to friends, still
I insist I loved
best I knew. . .
There’re big
dues to pay, I know, only currency
I possess, is a
poetry’s value
is only the
worth of my life. . .
& if it’s
not enough, i’m not enough,
could very well
be, my greatest hope’s
for Earthly love
& success could never
measure up to
what I imagine
will come w/
finally an end to the violence
of spirit strung
out from Earth to grave,
& w/ Death,
at last
one true arrival. . .
published in NHS 1994, http://www.poetspath.com/napalm/nhs94/index.html#7.]