H e a r t S o n s & H e a r t D a u g h t e r s of
A l l e n G i n s b e r g
N a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 : A r c h i
v e s E d i t i o n
American Pewter with Burroughs II" by Robert Rauschenberg (1981).
American Pewter with Burroughs II: Green is a Man / To Fill is a Boy
Robert Rauschenberg riffs on two lines by
William S. Burroughs
The green man
leafy head in hands comes back again & again:
I remember
Billy, the son, scapegoat, burdened with the life he found:
cirrhotic, bleeding out his esophagus, finally in
hepatic coma,
“swimming up” to his eyes from within to observe bleak
figures going through motions in the room
beyond—saved only
because when others bardo-prayed
he’d go to the light, his father
drove them away—“Dammit,
he’s in a fucking coma and he might listen!”
Billy—who in the
end “bid all trees & true persons the clearest of futures.”
Greek warriors
lean together, flowing beards lovely curling hair, fierce eyes
on the battle to come, another battle. Sappho
lamented such beauty
one sees in faces like these, marching to
war, full of high phrases, valorous
tongues, arms bristling with arms, killers with
the faces of angels—Sappho,
who cried out to Anactoria
that her footstep, the light in her eyes set her
heart thrumming more strongly than all armed
killers others might sing.
The ironworker
spread-eagled high above the city, his billed cap cocked
Like a statement atop his head, walks skyward,
free, beyond earthbound
Spirits trapped
in the squalor of watches & traffic, appointments, brief
cases loaded with the flotsam of
routine—imagine him now, naked
to the world, human form at last a swinger in heights above, godlike,
filled as a boy is filled to be a man, to green
as an earth in season.
[Originally published in NHS 2012,