e a r t S o n s & H e a r t D a u g h t e r s of A l l e n G i n s
b e r g
a p a l m H e a l t h S p a : R e p o r t 2 0 1 4 : A r c h i
v e s E d i t i o n
Crossing The Carpathians With You
for my mother
mountains and us clothed
in soft white fog,
suddenness of cliffs
you and I carve walking sticks
bursts of sun dust
thousands of yellow & violet flowers
red and white polkadot
mushrooms among trees,
strong smell of ferns & cones
stones in pots on our backs
warnings to black bears,
we gather forget-me-nots
distant curves
of snow and peaks
in the white of the moon
we go where rivers are born
drink from bold beginnings
with the cup of our hands
shepherds’ rain fast and thin
we empty the boots of water
a bear licks our pots
like an easy slip into a dream
you and I hold hands
and walk into dark woods
I know what it
means to go
anywhere with you: you are
the gentlest moss on which I sleep
published in NHS 2000, http://www.poetspath.com/napalm/nhs00/bugan.html.]