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            designated as an enemy of the state by the powers that be, I was taken into custody by the police one morning on my way to work & when I asked the arresting officers what I had done, the only response I received was their silence, for they ignored my question as if I did not exist. . .they blindfolded me & took me to the maximum security prison built to incarcerate & isolate traitors so they could do no social harm, a prison established in a secret location so that unknown conspirators could not attack & set the captives free, the blindfold imposed upon me as a form of psychic torture so I would never know where in the world I had been imprisoned. . . once we reached the maximum security prison, I was stripped naked & immediately locked up in a solitary confinement cell because my captors intended to keep me separated from all contact suspicious that I would use any association with others to mount a conspiracy against the order they were born to defend as patriotic citizens of our nation. . .

my isolation cell was so small I could barely fit inside it & indeed, my captors indicated that its dimensions had prompted them to choose it as most suitable to accommodate me because I was a traitor & therefore, I did not deserve the luxury of enough space to allow any motion. . .indeed, the solitary confinement cell that surrounded me forced me to remain standing erect at all times since it did not provide me with the length or the width necessary to assume another position. . .besides, my new habitat was so spartan it did not furnish me with a chair or a bed, a condition my captors no doubt imposed upon me because they wanted me to become familiar with the subtle torture of absolute exhaustion, an attitude I inferred when they taunted me with the advice that I needed to learn how to sleep on my feet. . .besides depriving me of rest, my captors also deprived me of food & water providing me only with a rare crust of stale bread or a cup of lukewarm water when they calculated I would be on the verge of starvation or fatal dehydration taunting me that my bare subsistence diet was a benefit to me since my solitary confinement cell lacked a toilet I could use so more substantial meals would rapidly make the stench intolerable. . .no light entered into my solitary confinement cell because my captors did not allow me the benefit of bars immersing me instead in a cage that had been carved from solid rock, even the door a slab of granite set on hinges, more like a tomb than a cell, a parallel that was driven home when my captors referred to me as the breathing dead. . .locked inside of my solitary confinement cell, I could not measure time & my captors opened the door so seldom I began to feel as if I had been buried alive forever, a burial that was not disrupted until the authorities sent orders that I should be tortured into confessing all the crimes I had committed against the state, the crimes that justified their designation of me as traitor. . .

as my captors escorted me to the torture room they had prepared to host me, they laughed in anticipation of the spectacle I would present to their eager eyes as they watched me suffer telling me that even an immediate & complete confession would not escape the pain they planned to impose upon me since they did not want to waste the effort they had already put into the preparation of the torture room. . .I protested that I was innocent & had nothing to confess begging my captors to take pity upon me because I did not deserve the punishment I was about to receive, but they told me the authorities would never believe my claim of innocence & besides, their desire to inflict torture upon me was a function of their own pleasure & not a function of my guilt. . . once my captors had brought me to the torture room, they locked me into a chair that had been equipped with manacles for my wrists & ankles, manacles that kept me bound in place so tightly I knew I could not hope to escape the tortures that were to come. . .as my captors attached a battalion of electrodes across my flesh, I looked around the torture room & saw that television cameras & monitors had been set up, a sight that baffled me until my captors told me that the authorities had ordered my torture & my confession to be broadcast live to the nation so that all citizens could serve on my hanging jury. . .

as soon as the cameras began rolling, I saw myself exposed naked on the monitors as one of my captors flipped the switch on the generator connected to the battalion of electrodes that had been taped to me sending the first jolt of electricity thru each & every inch of my body, a jolt that forced me to evacuate the ghosts of piss & shit from my empty bladder & bowels. . .an interrogator began to question me demanding that I describe the ways I had betrayed the state, but I stubbornly remained silent because I knew that no confession I could invent would prove satisfactory enough to stop the round of torture I had been condemned to endure certain that nothing I could say or do could help me to escape any of the pain my captors were determined to impose upon me. . .I spent days chained to the chair as frequent waves of electricity flowed thru me, waves I learned to embrace as a fixed condition of my existence since my captors left me no choice other than to do so, a torture session that was never interrupted because my captors worked in shifts so that they could deprive me of sleep, a torture session that ignited me to howl for my vast television audience until I became so exhausted I no longer had the strength to howl in response to the shocks that jolted me to my depths. . .

I endured the hell on earth my captors had prepared for me at the order of the authorities who had identified me as a traitor to the state for a solid week when at last the torture ended even though I had never been broken to confess, both because I was determined to defy all my accusers & because I had been told my confession would not cause my torturers to spare me any pain & indeed, I found that the only reason my routine of electric shock had ended was that the time had come for the audience to vote me innocent or guilty, a vote they could enter instantaneously thru their televisions simply by pressing the appropriate button on their remote controls. . . everyone in the state voted because the authorities required them to exercise their franchise as free citizens & when all the votes had been transmitted, no one had voted for my innocence unanimously determining my guilt instead deciding also that I should be executed as the penalty for my crime, a verdict that puzzled me since no specific accusations had ever been made against me & no evidence had ever been presented to serve as the foundation for the judgment they had made. . .before my execution could be carried out, a battalion of one hundred renegades broke into the torture room, overpowered my captors & liberated me, a sudden redemption I did not expect since the vote to condemn me had seemed to be unanimous, the battalion of renegades taking me to the underground refuge they inhabited, a refuge that could not be penetrated by the power of the state. . .

once the operation designed to rescue me had been successfully completed, we fortified our sanctuary hidden deep beneath the concrete streets controlled by the authorities who could only be satisfied if they received absolute obedience to the iron law they had invented to impose upon the nation insistent upon the regimentation of all citizens wanting to dictate every thought & every deed anyone dared to conceive or execute, whether they were inside our borders or happened to travel outside. . .because my torture had kept me awake for a solid week, I could not help but lose consciousness as soon as my saviors carried me to the bed they kindly provided me when I expressed my need for it & I slept for several days needing to cure the exhaustion I suffered before I could gather the strength necessary to ask the questions my experience of miraculous redemption from imminent execution had raised since the landslide vote to convict me had seemed to prove that every hand in the nation was turned against me, a conclusion that the operation to rescue me showed to be false. . .when I returned to consciousness, I thought at first that I was a corpse dreaming I was surrounded by the renegades who had rescued me telling them I could not believe in their existence because the public had unanimously convicted me & sentenced me to death so it was not logically possible that they had come to rescue me from the sentence I had certainly endured. . .the renegades told me that I was still alive & that they did exist & had rescued me explaining that the authorities had brainwashed the public determining that the verdict would be unanimous against me, a verdict they did not participate in because they were hidden in the underground, in the refuge they had established so they could escape the control that the authorities sought to impose upon all citizens. . .

after I was told that the authorities had brainwashed the public so that everyone would favor my condemnation, I theorized that they must exercise subtle control over the citizens of our nation in all other areas of existence since I could not perceive myself as being anything other than insignificant in the eyes of the state, a suspicion I shared with my underground comrades who responded by showing me the intelligence their spies had gathered, copies of government documents that absolutely confirmed my theory indicating that our officials had been elected after they had manipulated the minds of the voters, a revelation that explained why the losing candidates in our elections never received any votes at all. . .I told the battalion of renegades who had rescued me that we needed to prepare ourselves to mount a revolution, an act of rebellion that would certainly be justified since our government did not rule by the free consent of the governed & therefore it had no valid claim upon our continued allegiance, a proposition that earned their universal consent, so we began a strategy session trying to figure out how we could topple the secret tyrants our intelligence proved the authorities to be, given that only one hundred citizens had slipped free of their control mechanisms to find liberation in the underground. . .at last, we reached the conclusion that we needed to find out how the government had seized such absolute control over the public mind hoping that the knowledge would enable us to disrupt the brainwash so that we could gather the followers necessary to have some chance of victory, a strategy that required us to send out spies assigned to dig out the information we needed, a vital mission that had to be successfully completed if we were to have any chance of liberating citizens who had been dominated by means so subtle they did not suspect they were slaves. . .

we decided to send three men up from the underground with the objective of discovering the means used by the government to impose its will upon the people & I volunteered to be one of the three because I wanted to be on the scene when we cracked the mystery, just in case we found it possible to destroy their ability to brainwash on the spot, an opportunity to bear witness to history I did not want to miss. . .we emerged from the underground in the dead of night penetrating all government offices systematically one by one intent upon finding the means of mind control that was being exercised by the state searching thoroughly yet quickly because we wanted to solve the mystery before dawn eager to destroy the elicit foundation of the state's power, a destruction that was necessary to clear the way for the revolution that would set the people free. . .we became exhausted investigating the vast network of our government, exhausted & frustrated because we did not find it easy to located the objective we needed to find, but at last, we stumbled by accident into a storage room in the basement of the building that housed the offices of our nation's legislators where we found a machine glowing & humming as it broadcast a subtle pulse spreading coast to coast, a machine that was conveniently labeled with a sign identifying it as the national thought control device. . .we had carried guns with us in case we needed them & now they came in handy as we pumped bullets into the machine until its glow was extinguished & its hum ground to a halt just as the sun broke above the horizon gracing our nation with enough light so that we were able to see the revolution beginning out in the streets after we walked up the stairs & looked thru a first floor window. . .

we ran out to join the crowd of rebels we saw discovering that we did not have to do anything at all to recruit the people to our cause since, much to our surprise, they turned completely against the government as soon as we destroyed the mind control machine demonstrating that their previous allegiance had only been a function of the pulse that had invaded their heads & now that the pulse was gone, they realized that they had been brainwashed & they would not rest until they toppled the authorities responsible & seized the reins of government themselves. . .as the next step in our revolution, we decided by consensus that we would mount an attack upon the White House itself with the intent of deposing our tyrant President, but when we reached the gates protecting the place, we found its lawn full of citizens who had decided to support the current administration & I could only infer that these citizens believed national security to be so much in jeopardy that the brainwashing machine had not been the only factor in determining their fervent support for the powers that were & perhaps would continue to be, an opposition we expected to face since, when we had deliberated our first revolutionary action at our strategy meeting, we realized that some of those who had been enslaved by the brain control machine would choose of their own free will to remain slaves, an opposition that made our victory in the conflict about to come a matter of some doubt. . .