World Grief


No difference, your grief and the world’s.

The weaponless, the broken, the unborn’s grief.

From the Colorado River to the Tibetan Plateau.

Not one is spared, all carry world grief.

She at the Lost Highway’s Last Off-Ramp.

He of Visions dimmed by infernal mortality.

Even you who feels not herself, himself, at risk.

You whose spirit is the promise of Wilds.

A warmaker’s prayer never answered in full.

Gold-lipped diplomats, gold speeches, gold tombs.

You who see sickness as a red badge of courage.

Those who convert to join the dying & dead.

You, spontaneous, open-hearted, being peace.

Someone, everywhere, touching world grief.



11 December 1993



[Published in The Dance Of Yellow Lightning Over The Ridge:

Poems 1993-1997. © 1998 by Jim Cohn.]




The Dance Of Yellow Lightning Over The Ridge: Poems 1993-1997
(Writers & Books Publications, 1998)