Scripture Of Many Winds

for Anne Waldman


There’s a tree on the bed (heaven)

Made of alphabets (seed)

Invented by women (branch)

Carrying water on one foot (sentence)


Past an abandoned gas station (next lifetime)

Holding red worms the color of sorrow (this lifetime)

When bodies wash up (incarnations)

& inner circadian clocks tick lethal (two have died)


Teaming up with other souls (essential truths)

Coffee printed hot by laser beam-shatterproof cup (organic thread)

Suitcases filled with newspaper (“tattered bodhisattvas”)

In extreme darkness (faux “soul mate”)


Where the smallest light (imagination)

Illuminates your path (love).



24 September 2011



[Published in The Groundless Ground: Poems 2010-2014.

© 2014 by Jim Cohn.]




The Groundless Ground: Poems 2010-2014
(MAP Publications, 2014)