

The only thing I can remember is the beautiful—

Looking for water from a deeper well.

The cottonwoods with songs that travel over prairie

& the many ghosts that live in old fences.


All I remember is the beautiful—

Green sunflowers worn thin by the moon.

The young man who dresses himself like a bride.


Hands with seventeen fingers.

The spines of roses & wolves at Yellowstone.

Only the beautiful I remember—


The black sounds of roots definitive as childbirth.

The certainty of love & being understood.

That which breaks open the clouds.


One returns to the self as if to the beautiful.



22 February 1996



[Published in The Dance Of Yellow Lightning Over The Ridge:

Poems 1993-1997. © 1998 by Jim Cohn.]




The Dance Of Yellow Lightning Over The Ridge: Poems 1993-1997
(Writers & Books Publications, 1998)