2001 Skies

July 1st, Canada Day, once again sit morning meditation facing out
           Vivian's forest cabin window
today lower back muscles ache, I squirm in chair seeking comfort,
watch a thin trail of smoke rise from sage incense stick on window sill.
Where does that smoke go? Surely to the place where dead souls
Heaven & hell a myth invented to avoid announcing humanity's
           humble place in the universe.
Follow breath out nostrils, empty thoughts, let spirit enter soul's
           thin smoke stream.
This morning Vivian's & my one-year anniversary,
beautiful dawn of lovemaking before breakfast muffins--
last night white-tailed deer spotted in dirt road by cabin,
easy to see with light lasting till 11pm this far north--
then groups of hares hopping across same road, then marble-sized
           hail thudding cabin roof an hour.
Back to breath, the thin trail of smoke, maybe I should close
           my eyes today?
No, it's our anniversary, all body energies whisper “remain open,”
            how thankful I feel.
Vivian's siamese cat Sky digs front left claw into my rubber sandal
           near screen door
& starts clopping around the room, 3 tiny paws and one man's
           size 12 sandal-
impossible not to laugh in midst of this meditation.
Back to breath, back to thin trail of smoke--
a small gray moth clings to window from outside, unable to cross
           transparent threshold & kill itself in the flame.
Inhale, exhale, too many thoughts to empty this morning--
we are not yet anywhere the species we all know we can become.

Eliot Katz July 2001